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* 96 pages / full-colour / Munken Print White 115g
* 21.3 x 28.7 cm
* hardcover, cloth binding
* sewn binding with H&T bands
* ISBN 978-2-919242-15-3 / EAN 9782919242153
* Price : 18 euros / HT 17.06 euros
Picturing Letters is a celebration of hand-lettering. From the Middle Ages to today, typographers and illustrators have produced chic, astonishing, odd, and sometimes even monstrous alphabets. With calligrams, pangrams, and other typographical delights, Picturing Letters is an invitation to rediscover the pictorial qualities of letters. But the story of this typographical catalogue is surprising in and of itself, and deserves mention. November 1944: Strasbourg is finally liberated by Allied forces. Reconstruction is underway. As war reparations, the city will receive coupons that allow them to acquire the Soennecken collection in the ‘70s—a special calligraphy collection that belonged to the German industrialist Friedrich Soennecken (maker of pens and office products). For many years, this magnificent collection lay forgotten in a back room of the National University Library in Strasbourg, before being brought to light through several city initiatives, one of which was to co-publish, with Éditions 2024, this abecedary. Under the editorial direction of Guillaume Dégé, this work combines letters from the collection with other, more recent ones designed and drawn by ten talented artists, among them Anne-Margot Ramstein, Simon Thompson, and our very own Guillaume Chauchat.